We have a Key Stage 2 Choir who practise after school on a weekly basis with Mrs D Kelly (our Music subject leader)

The choir sing regularly at school and parish events. At Christmas 2023 they performed ‘Hosanna Rock’ in church to their peers in KS2. At Easter 2024 they performed ‘Resurrection Rock’ in the school hall for their peers in KS2.

Many of the children in our choir also performed at the first Mass of Christmas at St Richard’s Church on Christmas Eve 2023. They also led the singing at the Easter Vigil Mass 2024 in St Richard’s Church.

St Richard’s RC Primary School is also a partner of MyHub – the music education hub for the City of Manchester.

Our school offers ukulele lessons as first access opportunities to every pupil in Years 2 and 3.

Music lessons are a weekly feature in school.

We engage with MyHub through specialist music lessons, musical events and working with partner Arts organisations.