Welcome to Class 13 (Year 6)
Our class teacher is Mrs Toal, and our teaching assistant is Mrs Waszkiewicz.
We have PE on Monday and Friday each week, so a full PE kit (white shorts, white t-
shirt and trainers) should be in school on these days. Tracksuits are permitted when
the weather turns colder. Please ensure all items of clothing are labelled (both the school uniform and the PE kit).
A reading comprehension, maths and grammar/punctuation task are set on Monday (in a homework book) which must be completed to the highest possible standard and handed in on Friday morning.
Spellings are practised daily (5 per day) in class with a full spelling test administered every Friday. A spelling book with the weekly spellings is provided, so please ensure they are practised each evening at home (Mon-Thurs).
A knowledge quiz is held on Friday based on knowledge tasks assigned in
science and one other topic (also in the main homework book). Each week the quiz
starts with questions from the previous week(s) to promote long-term knowledge retention, so please remind your child to recap on prior learning as well as that for the current week.
Reading is hugely important, therefore an Accelerated Reading book and a Colour Band book are brought home each day in your child’s book bag with their reading record. We recommend a minimum of 20 minutes reading per night, and the pages read should be logged in the reading record, and signed by a parent or carer. Accelerated Reading quizzes are to be taken in class upon completion of each book (at least once a week by Thursday lunchtime), aiming for 100%.
*A full water bottle (labelled with name) should be brought to school each day
(only water is allowed – not juice or pop).
Please have a look at some sample activities from last year’s Class 13 (photos of the current Class 13 will be updated every half-term this academic year)
Click here to see a sample of our work Class 13 Autumn 2 Term
Click here to see a sample of our work Class 13 Autumn 1 Term