Welcome to Year 2, Class 3
Our Class Teacher is Miss McKnight
Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Ainsley
We have P.E. on a Wednesday and Friday
Homework is set on a Monday and must be completed by Friday
Spellings are tested every Friday – please make sure that your child learns their spellings at home
Children should bring a full (name labelled) water bottle to school each day (only water is allowed – not juice or pop)
The children will take reading books home each night and book bags should be returned to school every day. Please ensure that your child reads each night and their reading record is signed. Accelerated reader books will be changed once a quiz has been completed. Many thanks for your continued support.
Please have a look at some sample activities from last year’s Class 3 (photos of the current Class 3 will be updated every half-term this academic year)
Click here to see a sample of our work Class 3 Autumn 2 Term
Click here to see a sample of our work Class 3 Autumn 1 Term