Welcome to Reception 2
Our Class Teacher is Miss Smith
Our Teaching Assistant is Miss Walls
Children should bring a full (name labelled) water bottle to school each day (only water is allowed – not juice or pop)
Reading books are sent home on a Friday to be read throughout the week and returned on Friday. Please read every night and record this in your child’s reading record.
Homework will be set on Google Classroom weekly for you to complete at home with your child.
We have P.E. on a Thursday starting in the Spring Term. Please make sure all clothes are clearly labelled with your child’s name on.
Please have a look at some sample activities from last year’s Reception 2 (photos of the current Reception 2 will be updated every half-term this academic year)
Click here to see a sample of our work Reception 2 Autumn 2 Term
Click here to see a sample of our work Reception 2 Autumn 1 Term