Catholic Life and Mission
Class 10 (Yr 5) rounded off a wonderful week of Lent with a stay-and-pray Celebration of the Word. We listened to the story of Jesus’s time in the wilderness, reflecting on how we can use Lent as a time of self-improvement and service. Thank you to all the family members who joined us; it was lovely to share our special, prayerful time with you.
The children in Class 8 (Yr 4) planned and delivered a class Celebration of the Word in the Prayer Room. Thank you to so many of our parents and family members that came to join us for our Stay & Pray – it was wonderful to spend time praying and reflecting together.
Class 9 invited our parents in for a Stay and Pray session. It was a fantastic opportunity to show our parents what we do in our weekly child-led Celebration of the Word.